In 1987, the legendary animation team of William Hanna and Joseph Barbera brought forth a series of ten feature-length animated features to television, all of which would feature their most popular cartoon characters. These films were sold into syndication as the HANNA-BARBERA SUPERSTARS 10, each providing irresistible entertainment. Yogi Bear and Scooby-Doo each star in three productions, along with a one-time only meeting of THE FLINTSTONES and THE JETSONS, Judy Jetson takes the spotlight in her own adventure, while HUCKLEBERRY HOUND heads up an exciting all-star Western, and the loveable TOP CAT and his gang star is a story set in Beverly Hills. For these productions, Hanna-Barbera was able to use many of the original performers who provided their voice talents in the original incarnations to re-create their roles for these films. Animation voice talents including Daws Butler, Don Messick, and Mel Blanc, are the original voice casts of THE JETSONS, Arnold Stang, Marvin Kaplan, and Leo deLyon once again provide their TOP CAT character's voices, and of course, all of the Scooby-Doo gang is on hand to top off the fun. Each of these unique production provide an opportunity for audiences of several generations to celebrate and welcome back their favorite Hanna-Barbera favorites of years past. This first-ever complete collection, remastered in High-Definition, provides a wealth of animation history, as well as entertainment for youngsters who are discovering these characters for the very first time.
In 1987, the legendary animation team of William Hanna and Joseph Barbera brought forth a series of ten feature-length animated features to television, all of which would feature their most popular cartoon characters. These films were sold into syndication as the HANNA-BARBERA SUPERSTARS 10, each providing irresistible entertainment. Yogi Bear and Scooby-Doo each star in three productions, along with a one-time only meeting of THE FLINTSTONES and THE JETSONS, Judy Jetson takes the spotlight in her own adventure, while HUCKLEBERRY HOUND heads up an exciting all-star Western, and the loveable TOP CAT and his gang star is a story set in Beverly Hills. For these productions, Hanna-Barbera was able to use many of the original performers who provided their voice talents in the original incarnations to re-create their roles for these films. Animation voice talents including Daws Butler, Don Messick, and Mel Blanc, are the original voice casts of THE JETSONS, Arnold Stang, Marvin Kaplan, and Leo deLyon once again provide their TOP CAT character's voices, and of course, all of the Scooby-Doo gang is on hand to top off the fun. Each of these unique production provide an opportunity for audiences of several generations to celebrate and welcome back their favorite Hanna-Barbera favorites of years past. This first-ever complete collection, remastered in High-Definition, provides a wealth of animation history, as well as entertainment for youngsters who are discovering these characters for the very first time.
In 1987, the legendary animation team of William Hanna and Joseph Barbera brought forth a series of ten feature-length animated features to television, all of which would feature their most popular cartoon characters. These films were sold into syndication as the HANNA-BARBERA SUPERSTARS 10, each providing irresistible entertainment. Yogi Bear and Scooby-Doo each star in three productions, along with a one-time only meeting of THE FLINTSTONES and THE JETSONS, Judy Jetson takes the spotlight in her own adventure, while HUCKLEBERRY HOUND heads up an exciting all-star Western, and the loveable TOP CAT and his gang star is a story set in Beverly Hills. For these productions, Hanna-Barbera was able to use many of the original performers who provided their voice talents in the original incarnations to re-create their roles for these films. Animation voice talents including Daws Butler, Don Messick, and Mel Blanc, are the original voice casts of THE JETSONS, Arnold Stang, Marvin Kaplan, and Leo deLyon once again provide their TOP CAT character's voices, and of course, all of the Scooby-Doo gang is on hand to top off the fun. Each of these unique production provide an opportunity for audiences of several generations to celebrate and welcome back their favorite Hanna-Barbera favorites of years past. This first-ever complete collection, remastered in High-Definition, provides a wealth of animation history, as well as entertainment for youngsters who are discovering these characters for the very first time.